Thursday 24 September 2015


Here I am! Again.

Me and my sister LydiaBxe along with a few other friends have started a new group, Mistique! (I wanted to call it Kawaii Killers or something like that but my sister was  having none of it, sadly D:) I'd love if you'd check it out as we just started our group. We will have a survey or two comming out as well for our members. So why not join?

You can find it HERE, children! 

Thanks if you're reading this OwO

~ Kat 


Hi! Welcome to my blog!

This blog will have reviews, randomness, fashion and groups. So,let me introduce myself. I'm Kat, and I've been playing ROBLOX since about 2009 (god knows how many accounts I've made over the years). Let's start with a brief story on my many accounts~

This was the year I made my first account..and many other ones.
At the beginning of 2011, I was bullied on ROBLOX. All because I couldn't have robux, due to living in the UK. That's when my parents stopped me from going on ROBLOX. Before that though, I remember having lots of fun, and I missed the website a lot.
In April I made my longest account, xCutekitten1x (very creative, right?) after a few months of playing as a Guest. That account is currently about 3 years old. I used to wear the shaggy a lot, as I couldn't get a roblox card since they didn't even exist in the UK. Plus, at this point I was an ODer. *sigh*
2013 and 2014
These years were the most, well, dramatic. ROBLOX cards came out in the UK, meaning I got my first name change, TwinkleCatz (yet another brilliant name). I also got BC and ROBLOX. At that point I was still an ODer until about late 2013. Then, I finally realized I was being stupid. I joined fashion groups as well. I got a high rank in a group and also started my own group with my sister. Then came TBW*. This group took over and frightened everyone in the group.I did make lots of new friends, including 2 or 3 important ones. In August 2015 I was hacked. My account that is named iSkie currently (I added the name before) is still there. I'm now on my new account given to me by my sister.
And now I'm on my current account. Kxtrinaa,once called BeautyBanana (in 2014). Now I have become a traffic cone and co-own a fashion group.

So, that was my not so brief ROBLOX history. Anyway, I'd love if you guys could tell me if you had any experiences similar to me! Bye~

* TBW are or were a group of twats who like to piss of others by threatening them and making deals with them. Thus you often lose your daily currency and scare away people in your group. Very friendly, much kind.
